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Unitized transformer substations КТПСНС, КТПСП, 2КТПЦ with power from 10 up to 2500 kVA with voltage 10 kV are accredited to technical requirements and were advisable to use at the objects of subsidiaries and affiliates of PJSC ROSSETI.

26 october 2015

The superior quality of the equipment, manufactured at OJSC “Minsk electrotechnical plant named after V.I.Kozlov”, was confirmed again.

Unitized transformer substations КТПСНС, КТПСП, 2КТПЦ  with power from 10 up to 2500 kVA with voltage

10 kV were accredited to technical requirenments and are advisable to use at the objects of subsidiaries

 and affiliates of PJSC ROSSETI.