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The plant, as a rule, works with customers on a prepaid basis. Delivery time ranges from 30 to 60 days depending on the product. In addition, a certain number of transformers and substations are constantly available in the warehouse of the plant. Inquiries regarding the availability of products in the warehouse of the plant you can get by calling the phones of the marketing and trade department.
Currently discounts are not available for one-time customers. Discounts are available only to dealers. However, in the case of significant order volumes, the issue of discounts is considered individually by the plant management.
Yes it is possible. These transformers are completely interchangeable. Questions may arise only in relation to the size and location of the transformer terminals. Overall dimensions you can see in the power transformers catalog located on the site. For any more detailed information it is necessary to contact the factory design bureau by calling the power transformers department.
The advantage of the TMГ transformer design is primarily in the absence of operating costs over the entire service life of the transformer (25 years or more). For other transformers in particular, TM transformers operating costs amount is up to 60% of the initial cost of the transformer.
Yes, the plant manufactures products according to customer drawings and schemes.
The plant provides shipment of products by rail (platforms, containers) and by road. In the case of shipment by the customer’s transport, it must meet the following requirements: be able to top load, have wooden flooring of the trailer.
Нет, таможенного оформления для товаров произведенных в Республики Беларусь на территории РФ не требуется.
Гарантийный срок на силовые масляные трансформаторы 5 лет с даты выпуска (трансформатора ТМТО 3 года со дня ввода в эксплуатацию). Расчетный же срок службы трансформатора ТМГ 25 лет.
С целью максимального удобства для потребителей завод создал в России сеть официальных представителей. Сейчас потребитель имеет возможность купить продукции завода со складов официальных представителей в г. Москва, С.Петербург, Ростов-на-Дону, Пермь, Калининград. Адреса и телефоны официальных представителей опубликованы в разделе «Дилеры».
Да, на предприятии, как правило, два раза в год, организуются деловые встречи с дилерами и основными потребителями по вопросам перспектив развития дилерской сети, новых разработок и перспектив развития в области электротехники УП "МЭТЗ ИМ. В. И. КОЗЛОВА" и пр.
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