- Catalogue |
- Oil-immersed transformers |
- Dry-type transformers |
- TS for outdoor installation |
- Multi-purpose transformers |
- Energy Saving Equipment |
- Current transformers

ОСМ1 series transformer
Single-phase, dry-type, multi-purpose transformers, rating up to 4,0 kVA, are intended for power supply of control circuits, of local lighting circuits, of signaling and automation circuit

OC series transformer
Single-phase, dry-type transformers, with natural air cooling, rating up to 10 kVA, are intended to supply reduced voltage of 50 Hz industrial frequency for various demands.

Transformers of ОСМР series(O – single-phase, C – dry-type, M – multifunctional, P – isolating) rating 0,063-10 kV×А, ОСМО series (single-phase, dry-type, multifunctional, O – insulating ..

ОСВР1 series transformer
Single-phase, dry-type transformers, rating up to 1,0 kVA, are intended for power supply of control, signaling and automation circuits in mining and explosion-proof electrical equipment.

ПОС СОС series transformer
Single-phase, dry-type, ПОС (track-type) and COC (signal-type) transformers are intended for use in railway transport as devices for power supply of acting, modernized or newly built ...

Трансформаторы СТС-6
Трансформаторы СТС-6 (сигнальные трансформаторы светодиодных светофоров) предназначены для электропитания светодиодных светофоров микропроцессорных систем железнодорожной автоматики.

ОСС series transformer
Single-phase, dry-type transformers, rating up to 0,25 kVA, are intended for power supply of control and signaling circuits of electrical devices on ships of marine or river craft.

ОСР series transformer
Single-phase, dry-type, insulating transformers, rating up to 1,0 kVA, are designed to isolate supply circuits of power collectors from primary supply mains.

Трансформатор разделительный в защитном кожухе ОСРЗ-1,0 УХЛ3.1
Предназначен для электрического отделения цепи, питающей электроприемник, от первичной электрической сети.

ОСЛ series transformer
Single-phase, dry-type transformers are intended for power supply of control units in elevators of УКЛ series.

ТСМ series transformer
Three-phase, dry-type, multifunctional transformers, rating up to 1,0 kVA, are intended for power supply of rectifying circuits, of semiconductor converters in machining units, of electric

ТСМ1 series transformer
Three-phase, dry-type, multifunctional transformers, rating up to 4,0 kVA, are intended for power supply of rectifying circuits, of semiconductor converters in machining units, of electric